the swimmers:


Like any good pop song, this one's a mess of similar sounds, not all of them conscious influences: Wolf Parade via The Coathangers {via Dan Deacon [via Kaiser Chiefs (via great big goddamned enthusiasm)]} via fortified Vitamin D milk via sand-in-hair via skipping out on restaurant work because the weather's too nice for me to stay indoors and the world's gonna end anyway. We could go farther back, but what's the point?

"Cars on fire, hearts on the wire," and images of city streets sinking put some dark urgency into the "gimme gimme the sun" that Krista Yutzy-Burkey (a name!) repeats like a panhandler between verses. Make no mistake, this is a song for dancing, but it operates on an assumption that you're putting the rest of the world out of mind in order to be in the mood: "and in the garden, I'm looking at all of the weeds." .
