shelley short:


So here's a phrase-singer who swings between her phrases, like two parts of time, two alternating responses to the world: "sometimes I'm brave, sometimes I am afraid." That same ambivalence is in the way she draws out the "love" that follows "there are some things that I," as if she's remembering what that word might mean to those things, and reconsidering. The time machine inside yourself sending you to one moment, then another and another, and not in any particular order.

That kind of commentary can be useless and of course is relentlessly subjective, but it's hard to help myself against it: even the space between verses pits the organ and the guitars in conversation against each other, each making its own argument for rising and falling, drums leading us out at the end. This isn't the first time that Shelley Short's built a song that comes to mind when someone asks what's perfect anymore.
