velvet davenport:


Having "Velvet" in your band name at all, much less as word one of two, presents certain unavoidable associations. Ten low-fi seconds of "Mystery Michael" are probably more than you'll need to decide which comparisons to make on your own. Let's move on.

"MM" does what sub-120s. songs do best, which is to sound almost like the band isn't trying, but to suggest somewhere around the half-minute mark that what's happening is actually very studied and difficult, if nothing else because mistakes have nowhere to hide in simple structures. Velvet Davenport make no missteps here--the curling upward into the solo, the seesawing keys, lyrics about not knowing where you'll be tomorrow but liking how you spent today, evoking window seat, movement, late morning, slept-in clothes, wrinkled money, some changeable destination. Buy it or don't, but I do.
