lowercase noises:


Nevermind that this Albuquerque based post-rock group begins nearly all of their songs with what sounds like the exact same reversed-delayed guitar in the same key. Nevermind that their 2010 release 'Ambient Songs' features 18 of the most humdrum, boring, Sigur Ros knock-off tracks I've ever heard. Nevermind that any dude with a guitar, a delay pedal and a little pot could produce these tunes (and probably has). Forget all that. Of course it's true, but forget it all for just one second. Turn off the lights, lie down, close your eyes, and turn up Song For No One so that it drowns out all the sounds around you. All those little daily noises we forget about but that eat up so much sonic space. The fridge. The central air. The florescent lights. The hard drive of whatever device you're reading this on (I'm guessing you didn't print it out). Let everything go, and just rest for the five minutes and one second it takes for this song to play out. It'll be worth it.
